For just $30 per month you can sponsor the starving children in our Child Sponsorship Program. Our team hand picks the children on our sponsorship list based on need and personally delivers food to make sure they have food on their plates every single day. This program has been a blessing to hundreds of families in our 17+ years of mission work and many families have “graduated” our program due to improved living conditions and situations, thanks to support from wonderful supporters, like you. Please contact us for more information on how you can become a child sponsor.
Shining Stars Scholarship Program
For a recommended amount of $50 per month (or an amount of your choice), you could become a scholarship sponsor. Your donation would help to keep elementary – high school students in school with the goal of graduating high school and would also help to support students while they pursue their college education. Currently, our mission has dozens of students in school with hopes of graduating college in the coming years. We also have 5 students in college and 2 more planning start within the next year. All of our high school graduates have been first generation graduates and a college education is what will bring their families truly out of the vicious cycle of poverty they have been in for generations. What a blessing! There is no limit as to how many children we can have in this program; the more donations we receive, the more scholarships we can provide.
Water Filter Program
In 2010, our mission started installing water filter systems in remote villages, homes, schools and communities around Honduras. Contaminated water is a severe issue in Honduras and most people living in poverty suffer from water borne illnesses and parasites, often times leading to death. Our goal is to provide clean drinking water to as many villages and families as possible, to prevent these terrible illnesses and save lives! Over the years, our mission has installed HUNDREDS of filters and continues to install filters throughout each year. Our team personally assembles the filters, delivers them and provides instructions on use to each recipient. Clean water saves lives and we are thankful for each water filter we are blessed to install in Honduras.
Community Events
Each community event is a blessing to those who participate. Our events are held in remote villages or on the island of Amapala, where the majority of the population of 10,000 people live in extreme poverty. The above image shows one of our recent community events to feed over 150 children on the beach on Amapala Island. For a suggested donation of $100-300, you could help to sponsor a community event to provide a meal, a drink, activities and a day of blessings for those in need. Typically, these events are for 100-300 children.
Project Backpack
Project Backpack helps to provide children, teens and young adults living in extreme poverty with a backpack filled with school supplies to encourage continued education. It is very common for impoverished families to send their children, no matter how young, to work to help provide for the family. Our Project Backpack vision has always been to help keep children in school, where their furthered education changes the future for their family. Each year, thanks to generous donations of backpacks and school supplies in the USA, we are able to personally deliver about 300 backpacks filled with school supplies. We collect backpacks and school supplies year-round, ship them in late fall and pass them out with our missionaries during the annual mission trip that we lead every February.
Projects at the Dump
Several years ago, we made a connection with a local Honduran mission that works directly in one of the largest dumps in the country. In a gang ridden area, we are thankful to partner with this organization, as they help to keep our missionaries safe when we do mission projects at the dump. This organization has a building where they help to provide schooling, clothing and a place to live for some of the children that live in the dump. As a local mission, they never have enough funding or resources, which is why it is such a blessing to be able to work alongside them to help provide these families with food, clothing, shoes, school supplies, backpacks, and other much needed items. Visiting the dump is always absolutely heartbreaking, as the living conditions are horrific, but we know that God led us here for a reason and we are hopeful to continue work in the dump for years to come. Since many of our community events are held at the dump, donations made toward community events, also help these projects. Thank you!
Visit our DONATE page to donate toward our mission projects, thank you in advance for your support.